PLEASE NOTE: These listings are provided as a public service for informational purposes only. Descanso Medical Center for Development and Learning does not sponsor or have an affiliation with any of the institutions listed here. It is the responsibility of each family to thoroughly investigate each option.
Cardigan Mountain School - - Specializes in the education of boys during their adolescent years, a time when they are forming opinions, attitudes, and habits that will serve as the foundation of their growth. Cardigan educates students in mind, body and spirit in a small residential community that values each student. Founded in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the schoolwelcomes boys of all religious faiths. Located in Canaan, NH
LDI is recognized nationally as an exemplary literacy program for those with learning disabilities. In 1992, LDI was a recipient of the coveted Points of Light Award (one of 21 selected from 4,500 nominated). The ceremony took place at the White House with President George (Herbert Walker) and Mrs. Bush making the presentation to Dorothy and Rob Crawford.
"Typical" high school students are two types - day local public high school pupils and those from out of the area and state. The local public high school students are ages 16 - 19, are LDI day students and live at home. The high school students from out of the area are 18 - 22 years of age and are part of the LDI residential program. The post-secondary and/or transition students are representative by adults ages 18-38. All students exhibit some combination of the diagnoses of LD, ADHD, Asperger's syndrome, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, borderline personality disorders, and nonverbal LD. Also, those attending LDI represent high functioning special needs individuals who are not successful in traditional public special education programs or have experienced difficulty transitioning and succeeding in colleges, vocational/technical schools or other post-secondary programs sans some support. Located in Glendale, AZ.
A private residential treatment facility on a ranch-style campus in the Texas Hill Country. The center specializes in the treatment of children and adolescents who have emotional, behavioral and neurobehavioral problems. Our greatest asset is our staff, who work together to uphold the center's reputation for excellence in helping patients and their families resolve behavioral health problems. Located 30 miles from Austin, TX.
Oak Creek Ranch School - a fully accredited, co-ed boarding school for pre-teens and teenagers, ages 12-19. (Grades 7-12). Focuses on helping academic underachievers, students with ADD/ADHD and teens with low self-esteem become successful adults. Small classes, individualized programs and our experienced faculty enable students to achieve their academic goals while gaining valuable social and interpersonal skills. Located in West Sedona, AZ.
SOAR features success-oriented, high adventure program for preteens, teens and adults with Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (AD/HD). Emphasis is placed on developing self-confidence, social skills, problem-solving techniques, a willingness to attempt new challenges and the motivation which comes through successful goal orientation. Semester-long and Summer programs. Multiple locations.

Sorenson's Ranch - - Family owned school with over 30 years experience helping troubled teens. The clinical department includes both mental health therapists and specially trained substance abuse counselors. Mental health as well as substance abuse issues are addressed in group and individual settings, as part of the overall treatment plan. The program consists of a strong behavioral component coupled with a multi-disciplinary and multi-theoretical element. Using a strict point-and-level system the child moves toward re-integration into home, school, or a less restrictive placement. Students may enroll at any time. Located in Koosharem, Utah.
Speech and Language Development Center - - a group of programs and services for infants, children, young adults and adults with language, learning, neurological, developmental and behavioral disorders. SLDC was founded in 1955 to help children with communications disorders and multiple handicapping conditions. We started with an initial enrollment of three young children. Today, we've grown into a school serving almost 300 students, plus a residential school for boys and young men, and a residential program for developmentally disabled adults. Located in Buena Park, CA
A year round boarding school designed to provide a highly structured and scheduled environment for adolescents who have chosen to stray from acceptable family standards into one of drugs, alcohol, negative peer interaction and low self-esteem. Located in Montana.
Treats adolescents with substance abuse and behavioral disorders in a residental setting. Located in Malibu, CA